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Our Digital Intelligence Practice uses data warehousing technologies to develop complete digital intelligence infrastructures, applications and processes to enhance the competitiveness of our clients. EServices can help you leverage business knowledge by providing expertise in Knowledge Management, Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence and Meta Data Management.

Service Offerings

Knowledge Management
EServices offers an integrated approach in identifying, capturing, and managing business knowledge and understanding how people, content and processes interact to accomplish a business objective. The result is a knowledge management infrastructure used to develop, deploy and support a knowledge-sharing environment that will grow to support the business goals of the organization.

Strategic Information Planning
Achieving maximum value in supporting your business objectives with information technology resources requires careful consideration of people, process and technology. We will align your IT with your business initiatives and provide an information management architecture that will adapt to your organization's future growth.

Data Warehousing
Our Digital Enterprise Architects work with you to create a process aligned with your strategic business initiatives, ensuring consistent ROI. We build architectures to ensure that long-term scalability is never sacrificed. Whether you are designing a large-scale data warehouse or smaller-scale data marts, Alliance can help you plan and implement a structure that will transform existing data into useful business information.

Business Intelligence
Organizations must be able to put the right information into the hands of the right people across the entire enterprise. Users also need new and improved ways to access and analyze information. The tools you give your users for decision support can make the difference between a data prison and an effective data warehouse.

Enterprise Reporting
We work with you to design a comprehensive Enterprise Reporting Strategy for your managerial,operational and statutory reporting needs. Instead of simply providing a collection of tools, our Enterprise Reporting solution will help you create and define an environment that supports business intelligence. First,we'll learn about your requirements across the organization. Then,we'll work with you to define an integrated strategy that meets your reporting requirements and is consistent with your technology strategy. The result is a complete implementation roadmap to construct or enhance your Enterprise Reporting environment.

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